
# Qt example.
# Parameters marked Changeable with the "c:" syntax appear in GUI

s:Ge/MyBox/Type     = "TsBox"
sc:Ge/MyBox/Material = "G4_WATER"
sc:Ge/MyBox/Parent   = "World"
dc:Ge/MyBox/HLX      = 1.5 m
dc:Ge/MyBox/HLY      = 1. m
dc:Ge/MyBox/HLZ      = 1. m
dc:Ge/MyBox/TransX   = 0. m
dc:Ge/MyBox/TransY   = 0. m
dc:Ge/MyBox/TransZ   = 1.5 m
dc:Ge/MyBox/RotX     = 0. deg
dc:Ge/MyBox/RotY     = 0. deg
dc:Ge/MyBox/RotZ     = 0. deg
ic:Ge/MyBox/XBins    = 1
ic:Ge/MyBox/YBins    = 1
ic:Ge/MyBox/ZBins    = 1
sc:Ge/MyBox/Color    = "blue"
sc:Ge/MyBox/DrawingStyle = "WireFrame"
bc:Ge/MyBox/Invisible = "False"

s:So/Therapy/Type                     = "Beam"
sc:So/Therapy/Component                = "BeamPosition"
sc:So/Therapy/BeamParticle             = "e-"
dc:So/Therapy/BeamEnergy               = 169.23 MeV
uc:So/Therapy/BeamEnergySpread         = 0.757504
sc:So/Therapy/BeamPositionDistribution = "Gaussian"
sc:So/Therapy/BeamPositionCutoffShape  = "Ellipse"
dc:So/Therapy/BeamPositionCutoffX      = 10. cm
dc:So/Therapy/BeamPositionCutoffY      = 10. cm
dc:So/Therapy/BeamPositionSpreadX      = 0.65 cm
dc:So/Therapy/BeamPositionSpreadY      = 0.65 cm
sc:So/Therapy/BeamAngularDistribution  = "Gaussian"
dc:So/Therapy/BeamAngularCutoffX       = 90. deg
dc:So/Therapy/BeamAngularCutoffY       = 90. deg
dc:So/Therapy/BeamAngularSpreadX       = 0.0032 rad
dc:So/Therapy/BeamAngularSpreadY       = 0.0032 rad
ic:So/Therapy/NumberOfHistoriesInRun   = 10

sv:Ph/Default/Modules = 1 "g4em-standard_opt0"

s:Gr/ViewA/Type              = "OpenGL"

Ts/UseQt = "True"