
# PatientInIEC_2 : we place a patient to treatment room.

# Fix for iso-center
# Fix for DICOM to IEC
# Fix for Gantry rotation : 60 deg
# Fix for Couch  rotation : 90 deg

includeFile = PatientInIEC_1.txt

# step 1
Ge/patient/TransX = -1.0 * Ge/patient_iso/TransX mm
Ge/patient/TransY = -1.0 * Ge/patient_iso/TransY mm
Ge/patient/TransZ = -1.0 * Ge/patient_iso/TransZ mm

Ge/DICOM_to_IEC/RotX  = 90.0 deg # step 2: 90.0 deg

Ge/IEC_G/RotY         = 60.0 deg # step3: 60 deg ?

# Couch (patient support)
Ge/IEC_S/RotZ         = 45.0 deg # step4: 90 deg ? 

s:Sc/DoseAtPhantom1/Quantity    = "DoseToWater"
s:Sc/DoseAtPhantom1/Component   = "patient_rleg"
s:Sc/DoseAtPhantom1/IfOutputFileAlreadyExists = "Overwrite"
b:Sc/DoseAtPhantom1/OutputAfterRun = "True"