
# Demonstrates use of a DICOM file.
# You must unzip before you run this example.
# Reads in and displays a 3 slice scan of an abdomen.
# The display writes very slowly to the screen.
# This will be improved in an upcoming new release.
# Until then, one useful trick is that if you iconize the graphics window,
# then un-inconize it when drawing is done, the drawing will go much faster.

includeFile = HUtoMaterialSchneider.txt

s:Ge/World/Material  = "Vacuum"
d:Ge/World/HLX       = 2.0 m
d:Ge/World/HLY       = 2.0 m
d:Ge/World/HLZ       = 2.0 m
b:Ge/World/Invisible = "TRUE"

s:Ge/Patient/Parent             = "World"
s:Ge/Patient/Material           = "G4_WATER"
s:Ge/Patient/Type               = "TsDicomPatient"
d:Ge/Patient/TransX             = 0. m
d:Ge/Patient/TransY             = 0. m
d:Ge/Patient/TransZ             = 0. m
d:Ge/Patient/RotX               = 0. deg
d:Ge/Patient/RotY               = 0. deg
d:Ge/Patient/RotZ               = 0. deg
s:Ge/Patient/DicomDirectory     = "Abdomen"
sv:Ge/Patient/DicomModalityTags = 1 "CT"

# Restrict which voxels are loaded.
# This will speed things up for purposes of this demonstration,
# but also changes simulation results, as only part of the DICOM
# will be loaded. Take care when using this feature in your research.
i:Ge/Patient/RestrictVoxelsXMin = 200
i:Ge/Patient/RestrictVoxelsYMin = 200
i:Ge/Patient/RestrictVoxelsXMax = 400
i:Ge/Patient/RestrictVoxelsYMax = 400

# Specify which slices to show.
# Comment this out or set to zero to show all slices.
# Set to -1 to show only center slice.
# Set to -2 to show first, center and last slice.
#iv:Ge/Patient/ShowSpecificSlicesX = 1 -2
#iv:Ge/Patient/ShowSpecificSlicesY = 1 -2
iv:Ge/Patient/ShowSpecificSlicesZ = 1 -1

# Simplify physics for faster start of this demonstration
sv:Ph/Default/Modules = 1 "g4em-standard_opt0"

s:So/Example/Type                     = "Beam"
s:So/Example/Component                = "BeamPosition"
s:So/Example/BeamParticle             = "proton"
d:So/Example/BeamEnergy               = 169.23 MeV
u:So/Example/BeamEnergySpread         = 0.757504
s:So/Example/BeamPositionDistribution = "Gaussian"
s:So/Example/BeamPositionCutoffShape  = "Ellipse"
d:So/Example/BeamPositionCutoffX      = 10. cm
d:So/Example/BeamPositionCutoffY      = 10. cm
d:So/Example/BeamPositionSpreadX      = 0.65 cm
d:So/Example/BeamPositionSpreadY      = 0.65 cm
s:So/Example/BeamAngularDistribution  = "Gaussian"
d:So/Example/BeamAngularCutoffX       = 90. deg
d:So/Example/BeamAngularCutoffY       = 90. deg
d:So/Example/BeamAngularSpreadX       = 0.0032 rad
d:So/Example/BeamAngularSpreadY       = 0.0032 rad
i:So/Example/NumberOfHistoriesInRun   = 10

s:Gr/ViewA/Type        = "OpenGL"
i:Gr/ViewA/WindowSizeX = 900
i:Gr/ViewA/WindowSizeY = 900
d:Gr/ViewA/Theta       = 70 deg
d:Gr/ViewA/Phi         = 10 deg
i:Gr/ShowOnlyOutlineIfVoxelCountExceeds = 1000000