
#                                                          #
#                   Example: LDR source                    #
#                                                          #
#                                                          #
#                Latest version - May 2021                 #
#                Author: Francisco Berumen                 #
#              Contact - fberumenm@gmail.com               #
#       https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brachy.2020.12.007       #
#                                                          #

##### Import one of the following LDR sources ##### 
includeFile = ./LDR/Cs131_IsoRay-CS-1-Rev2.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_BardSTM1251.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_Best2301.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_IsoAid_IAI-125A.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_OncoSeed6711.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_SelectSeed.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_SL-125.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/I125_Theragenic-AgX100.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/Pd103_Best2335.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/Pd103_IAPd103A.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/Pd103_Theraseed200Heavy.txt
#includeFile = ./LDR/Pd103_Theraseed200Light.txt

##### Extra parameters for Theraseed200 models
##### User can define the material of both caps
#s:Ge/EnvironmentLeftCap/Material  = Ge/World/Material
#s:Ge/EnvironmentRightCap/Material = Ge/World/Material

##### Water phantom of 50 cm side #####
d:Ge/World/HLX = 25 cm
d:Ge/World/HLY = 25 cm
d:Ge/World/HLZ = 25 cm
s:Ge/World/Material = "G4_WATER"

##### Physics #####
sv:Ph/Default/Modules = 1 "g4em-standard_opt0"

##### Graphics #####
b:Gr/Enable          = "T"
b:Ts/PauseBeforeQuit = "T"

s:Gr/View/Type        = "OpenGL"
u:Gr/View/Zoom        = 75.
d:Gr/View/Phi         = 20 deg
d:Gr/View/Theta       = 90 deg
b:Gr/View/IncludeAxes = "T"
d:Gr/View/AxesSize    = 5 mm