
# TOPAS Time Feature Example to rotate a notched cylinder in a beam.

# Step 1: Create a simplified wheel and visualize it

# Create the Wheel as a cylinder of aluminum, 20cm total length, 20 cm radius.
# Place this into the world just using default translation and rotation.
s:Ge/Wheel/Type = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/Wheel/Parent = "World"
s:Ge/Wheel/Material = "G4_Al"
d:Ge/Wheel/HL = 10. cm
d:Ge/Wheel/RMax = 20. cm

# Create an OpenGL graphics view with a 50 degree rotation in Theta.
# and zoom factor of 25.
s:Gr/MyView/Type = "OpenGL"
d:Gr/MyView/Theta = 50. deg
u:Gr/MyView/Zoom = 25

# For particle source, use the built-in demonstration source.
# Set it to make 50 histories per run.
i:So/Demo/NumberOfHistoriesInRun = 50

# Turn on PauseBeforeQuit so we have a chance to see the graphics.
b:Ts/PauseBeforeQuit = "True"

# Run. You should see 50 particle histories.
# Most or all of the particles will be stopped by the Wheel.

# MacOS 10.15 users will find that the Qt GUI starts up automatically.
# To generate particles, hit the Run button above the parameter control widget.

# Step 2: Make the simulation start faster

# Simplify the physics so that the simulation starts faster.
sv:Ph/Default/Modules = 1 "g4em-standard_opt0"

# Run. You should see that the simulation starts very fast.
# This happens at the expense of losing scattering accuracy and losing
# all hadronic physics.
# Remember to change back to full physics if you need high accuracy.

# Step 3: Improve the visualization

# Make the wheel solid.
s:Ge/Wheel/DrawingStyle = "Solid"

# Make trajectories disappear when they enter this solid.
b:Gr/MyView/HiddenLineRemovalForTrajectories = "True"

# Run. You should see a solid wheel and trajectories disappear into the wheel.

# Step 4: Make the Wheel a little more like a Range Modulator Wheel

# Offset the Wheel relative to the Beam in X by 1/2 the Wheel's radius.
d:Ge/Wheel/TransX = -0.5 * Ge/Wheel/RMax cm

# Cut a 90 degree phi segment out of the Wheel by adjusting the dphi parameter.
d:Ge/Wheel/DPhi = 270. deg
dc:Ge/Wheel/SPhi = 45. deg

# Run: The wheel will be missing a 90 degree segment in phi.

# Step 5: Make simulation include multiple runs

# Declare that the simulation should contain 8 runs.
i:Tf/NumberOfSequentialTimes = 8

# Run. You will see 8 separate runs happen, each with 50 histories.
# This will be reflected in the console, where you will see not just the
# History number increasing but also the Run number increasing.

# Step 6: Increase time feature verbosity

# Set verbosity to get more information about the 8 runs.
i:Tf/Verbosity = 2

# Run. Study the console information.
# Note that there are no significant differences between the 8 runs.
# They all happen with time = 0.

# Step 7: Make each run have different time

# Specify an end time for the run sequence.
d:Tf/TimelineEnd = 8. s

# Run. Note that each run has a different time.

# Step 8: Create a TOPAS Time Feature

# The following four parameters define a Time Feature we are calling MyRotation.
s:Tf/MyRotation/Function = "Linear deg"
d:Tf/MyRotation/Rate = 45. deg/s
d:Tf/MyRotation/StartValue = 0.0 deg
d:Tf/MyRotation/RepetitionInterval = 8. s

# Run. See from the console that Tf/MyRotation/Value changes for each run.

# Step 9: Use the time feature to rotate the wheel

# Make the time feature control the cylinder rotation.
d:Ge/Wheel/RotZ = Tf/MyRotation/Value deg

# As an additional diagnostic, ask for parameters to be printed out at each run:
b:Ts/DumpNonDefaultParameters = "True"

# Run. The Wheel should now rotate under control of the time feature.

# You will find eight html files in your current directory.
# These show the values of all non-default parameters for each run.
# You can see how the current value of Ge/Wheel/RotZ was computed at each run.