
# Monitor chamber with mirror for Siemens Oncor
# Reference for geometry: Jabbari et al, J Med Signal Sens 3(3):172-179

########################## Key Parameters In Monitor.txt ##############################
# Parameters set in another parameter control file...
# SAD: Source axis distance (distance from nominal source position to isocenter)
# Parameters available for adjustment...
# Pos: Distance along beam axis Zg from nominal target position (SAD from isocenter)
# Rmax: Maximum radius of Cylinder
# HL: Half of cylinder's thickness
# RotX: Mirror angle
# Parameters calculated from other parameters...
# Reloc: Distance along beam axis Zg from isocenter, set by parameters SAD and Pos
# TransZ1: Position of lower surface of previous object along Zg
# TransZ: Position of center of object along Zg

includeFile = LinacDefaults.txt #Values in LinacDafaults.txt may be overriden

############################## Monitor Chamber ########################################
# Average value of ceramic density from the following link was used:
sv:Ma/Ceramic/Components  = 2 "Aluminum" "Oxygen"  
uv:Ma/Ceramic/Fractions   = 2 0.529412 0.470588  
d:Ma/Ceramic/Density      = 3.835 g/cm3 
s:Ma/Ceramic/DefaultColor = "skyblue"

s:Ge/IC/W1/Parent         = "IEC_G" #IEC gantry coordinates
s:Ge/IC/W1/Type           = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/IC/W1/Material       = "Ceramic"

d:Ge/IC/W1/Pos               = 10.734 cm
d:Ge/IC/W1/RMax           = 6. cm
d:Ge/IC/W1/Reloc          = Ge/SAD - Ge/IC/W1/Pos cm
d:Ge/IC/W1/HL             = 0.076 cm
d:Ge/IC/W1/TransZ         = Ge/IC/W1/Reloc - Ge/IC/W1/HL cm
s:Ge/IC/W1/Color          = "Green"
s:Ge/IC/W1/DrawingStyle   = "Solid"

s:Ge/IC/P1/Parent         = "IEC_G"
s:Ge/IC/P1/Type           = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/IC/P1/Material       = "G4_lN2"
d:Ge/IC/P1/RMax           = 6. cm
d:Ge/IC/P1/HL             = 0.092 cm 
d:Ge/IC/P1/TransZ1        = Ge/IC/W1/TransZ - Ge/IC/W1/HL cm
d:Ge/IC/P1/TransZ         = Ge/IC/P1/TransZ1 - Ge/IC/P1/HL cm
s:Ge/IC/P1/Color          = "Green"
s:Ge/IC/P1/DrawingStyle   = "Solid"
s:Ge/IC/W2/Parent         = "IEC_G"
s:Ge/IC/W2/Type           = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/IC/W2/Material       = "Ceramic"
d:Ge/IC/W2/RMax           = 6. cm 
d:Ge/IC/W2/HL             = 0.076 cm
d:Ge/IC/W2/TransZ1        = Ge/IC/P1/TransZ - Ge/IC/P1/HL cm
d:Ge/IC/W2/TransZ         = Ge/IC/W2/TransZ1 - Ge/IC/W2/HL cm
s:Ge/IC/W2/Color          = "Green"
s:Ge/IC/W2/DrawingStyle   = "Solid"

s:Ge/IC/P2/Parent         = "IEC_G"
s:Ge/IC/P2/Type           = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/IC/P2/Material       = "G4_lN2"
d:Ge/IC/P2/RMax           = 6. cm
d:Ge/IC/P2/HL             = 0.092 cm 
d:Ge/IC/P2/TransZ1        = Ge/IC/W2/TransZ - Ge/IC/W2/HL cm
d:Ge/IC/P2/TransZ         = Ge/IC/P2/TransZ1 - Ge/IC/P2/HL cm
s:Ge/IC/P2/Color          = "Green"
s:Ge/IC/P2/DrawingStyle   = "Solid"
s:Ge/IC/W3/Parent         = "IEC_G"
s:Ge/IC/W3/Type           = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/IC/W3/Material       = "Ceramic"
d:Ge/IC/W3/RMax           = 6. cm
d:Ge/IC/W3/HL             = 0.076 cm
d:Ge/IC/W3/TransZ1        = Ge/IC/P2/TransZ - Ge/IC/P2/HL cm
d:Ge/IC/W3/TransZ         = Ge/IC/W3/TransZ1 - Ge/IC/W3/HL cm
s:Ge/IC/W3/Color          = "Green"
s:Ge/IC/W3/DrawingStyle   = "Solid"

################################### Mirror ############################################
s:Ge/IC/P3/Parent         = "IEC_G" #Mirror closest to jaw +Yb, furthest -Yb
s:Ge/IC/P3/Type           = "TsCylinder"
s:Ge/IC/P3/Material       = "G4_lN2"

d:Ge/IC/P3/Pos            = 16.603 cm
d:Ge/IC/P3/RMax           = 3. cm
d:Ge/IC/P3/HL             = 0.1045 cm 
d:Ge/IC/P3/RotX           = 40 deg #Mirror angle from direct measurement

d:Ge/IC/P3/Reloc          = Ge/SAD - Ge/IC/P3/Pos cm
d:Ge/IC/P3/TransZ         = Ge/IC/P3/Reloc - Ge/IC/P3/HL cm
s:Ge/IC/P3/Color          = "Green"
s:Ge/IC/P3/DrawingStyle   = "Solid"