
# Parameter control file for testing individual components
# Components are displayed in the GUI
b:Gr/Enable                                  = "True"
b:Ts/UseQT                                   = "True"

# Components are situated relative to the SAD
# For viewing components in the GUI, set SAD small, i.e., to 0 cm
# Note: SAD needs to be set properly for jaw and MLC leaf positions, i.e., to 100 cm
d:Ge/SAD = 0. cm 
#d:Ge/SAD = 100. cm 

# Comment out includeFile files that you want to be left out of the GUI
includeFile = Target.txt  
includeFile = PrimaryCollimator.txt
#includeFile = Flattener6MV.txt #Comment out at least one of the flatteners
includeFile = Flattener18MV.txt #Comment out at least one of the flatteners
#includeFile = Monitor.txt 
#includeFile = Jaws.txt #Comment out at least one of the secondary collimators
#includeFile = MLC.txt #Comment out at least one of the secondary collimators
#includeFile = WaterBox.txt #Comment out at least one of the dose scoring regions
#includeFile = WaterPhantom.txt #Comment out at least one of the dose scoring regions