
# Scorer - Energy spectrum in 10 cm x 10 cm region at isocenter

#################### Key Parameters In ScoreEnergySpectrum.txt ########################
# Ebins: Number of energy bins to be scored
# EBinMin/Max: Minimum and maximum energy to be scored
# EBinLog: Scoring bins logarithmically spaced if true, linearily spaced if false
# HLX/Y/Z: Half lengths of voxels used for scoring
# X/YBins: Number of bins in IEC_G Xg and Yg
# TransZ: Distance from isocenter to center of scoring region along IEC_G Zg

s:Sc/EnergySpectrum/Quantity = "Fluence"
s:Sc/EnergySpectrum/Component= "Isocenter"
s:Sc/EnergySpectrum/IfOutputFileAlreadyExists = "Exit" # "Exit", "Overwrite" or "Increment"
s:Sc/EnergySpectrum/OutputType = "CSV"

sv:Sc/EnergySpectrum/OnlyIncludeParticlesNamed = 1 "gamma"

i:Sc/EnergySpectrum/EBins = 50
d:Sc/EnergySpectrum/EBinMin = 0 MeV
d:Sc/EnergySpectrum/EBinMax = 10 MeV
# If you need log scale...
#b:Sc/EnergySpectrum/EBinLog = “True”

# Isocenter scoring volume (thin plane for scoring spectrum)
s:Ge/Isocenter/Parent = "IEC_G"
s:Ge/Isocenter/Type   = "TsBox"
s:Ge/Isocenter/Material = "air"
d:Ge/Isocenter/HLX      = 5 cm 
d:Ge/Isocenter/HLY      = 5 cm 
d:Ge/Isocenter/HLZ      = 0.01 cm 
i:Ge/Isocenter/XBins    = 1
i:Ge/Isocenter/YBins    = 1
d:Ge/Isocenter/TransZ   = 0 cm 
s:Ge/Isocenter/DrawingStyle = "Solid"
s:Ge/Isocenter/Color = "skyblue"