
# Rectangular parallelopiped filled with water, aligned with IEC fixed Z axis Zf.
# WaterPhantom has voxels for scoring.

includeFile = LinacDefaults.txt #Values in LinacDafaults.txt overriden in Field.txt

# Scorer - Dose distribution in 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm water box at 100 cm SSD
s:Sc/Dose/Quantity                  = "DoseToWater"
s:Sc/Dose/Component                 = "WaterPhantom"
s:Sc/Dose/IfOutputFileAlreadyExists = "Exit" # "Exit", "Overwrite" or "Increment"
s:Sc/Dose/OutputType                = "CSV"

# Isocenter scoring volume (thin plane for scoring fluence)
s:Ge/WaterPhantom/Parent            = "IEC_S"
s:Ge/WaterPhantom/Type              = "TsBox"
s:Ge/WaterPhantom/Material          = "G4_WATER"
d:Ge/WaterPhantom/HLX               = 20. cm 
d:Ge/WaterPhantom/HLY               = 20. cm 
d:Ge/WaterPhantom/HLZ               = 20. cm 
i:Ge/WaterPhantom/XBins             = 80
i:Ge/WaterPhantom/YBins             = 80
i:Ge/WaterPhantom/ZBins             = 80
d:Ge/WaterPhantom/TransZ            = -20. cm 
s:Ge/WaterPhantom/DrawingStyle      = "Solid"
s:Ge/WaterPhantom/Color             = "skyblue"