
# Demonstrates Gated scoring.
# First scorer is gated, sometimes active, sometimes inactive,
# under the control of a time feature and outputs after each run.
# Second scorer is gated, sometimes active, sometimes inactive,
# under the control of a time feature and outputs only at end of session.
# Third scorer is always active and outputs only at end of session.

s:Ge/Box/Type     = "TsBox"
s:Ge/Box/Parent   = "World"
s:Ge/Box/Material = "G4_WATER"
d:Ge/Box/HLX      = 1. m
d:Ge/Box/HLY      = 1. m
d:Ge/Box/HLZ      = .4 m

s:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerRun/Quantity                      = "Fluence"
s:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerRun/Component                     = "Box"
s:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerRun/IfOutputFileAlreadyExists     = "Overwrite"
b:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerRun/OutputToConsole               = "True"
b:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerRun/Active                        = Tf/ScoringOnOff/Value
b:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerRun/OutputAfterRun                = "True"

s:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerSession/Quantity                  = "Fluence"
s:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerSession/Component                 = "Box"
s:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerSession/IfOutputFileAlreadyExists = "Overwrite"
b:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerSession/OutputToConsole           = "True"
b:Sc/GatedAndOutputPerSession/Active                    = Tf/ScoringOnOff/Value

s:Sc/NotGated/Quantity                  = "Fluence"
s:Sc/NotGated/Component                 = "Box"
s:Sc/NotGated/IfOutputFileAlreadyExists = "Overwrite"
b:Sc/NotGated/OutputToConsole           = "True"

s:Gr/MyOGL/Type        = "OpenGL"
i:Gr/MyOGL/WindowSizeX = 600
i:Gr/MyOGL/WindowSizeY = 600
i:Gr/MyOGL/WindowPosX  = 0
i:Gr/MyOGL/WindowPosY  = 0

s:Tf/ScoringOnOff/Function = "Step"
dv:Tf/ScoringOnOff/Times   = 10 10  20   30    40    50   60   70   80    90 100 ms
bv:Tf/ScoringOnOff/Values  = 10   "true" "false" "true" "false" "false" "true" "true" "true" "false" "true"

i:Tf/Verbosity =1
d:Tf/TimelineEnd = 100.0 ms
i:Tf/NumberOfSequentialTimes = 10

s:So/Example/Type                     = "Beam"
s:So/Example/Component                = "BeamPosition"
s:So/Example/BeamParticle             = "proton"
d:So/Example/BeamEnergy               = 169.23 MeV
u:So/Example/BeamEnergySpread         = 0.757504
s:So/Example/BeamPositionDistribution = "Gaussian"
s:So/Example/BeamPositionCutoffShape  = "Ellipse"
d:So/Example/BeamPositionCutoffX      = 10. cm
d:So/Example/BeamPositionCutoffY      = 10. cm
d:So/Example/BeamPositionSpreadX      = 0.65 cm
d:So/Example/BeamPositionSpreadY      = 0.65 cm
s:So/Example/BeamAngularDistribution  = "Gaussian"
d:So/Example/BeamAngularCutoffX       = 90. deg
d:So/Example/BeamAngularCutoffY       = 90. deg
d:So/Example/BeamAngularSpreadX       = 0.0032 rad
d:So/Example/BeamAngularSpreadY       = 0.0032 rad
i:So/Example/NumberOfHistoriesInRun   = 10

b:Ts/PauseBeforeQuit = "True"